The Vagus Nerve: How to Hack Your Nervous System
KLara Saunders KLara Saunders

The Vagus Nerve: How to Hack Your Nervous System

Unlock the secrets of the vagus nerve and transform your well-being! Explore the pivotal role of this vital nerve in balancing hormones, supporting digestion, and regulating mood, plus discover innovative methods like gammaCore stimulation for holistic health enhancement.

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Unveiling the Mystery of PFAS: A New Path to Environmental Wellness
KLara Saunders KLara Saunders

Unveiling the Mystery of PFAS: A New Path to Environmental Wellness

Uncover the impact of PFAS, the notorious 'forever chemicals,' on your well-being and the environment. Explore our latest blog for insights on health implications, the Quest blood test panel, and actionable steps for reducing exposure. Empower yourself with knowledge this Earth Day for a healthier, more balanced life. Read more now!

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Everything and Anything Hormone Wellness
Suzanne Tang Suzanne Tang

Everything and Anything Hormone Wellness

Welcome to "Everything and Anything Hormone Wellness"! Dr. Suzanne Tang, ND, LAc, extends a warm invitation into the realm of holistic health, where hormonal balance becomes a key to reclaiming vitality.

Journey with us as we explore transformative stories like K.G.'s, who triumphed over peri-menopausal challenges through naturopathic medicine and acupuncture. Discover the empowering shift from conventional to holistic care, unlocking a path to vibrant living.

From peri-menopause to PMS, Dr. Tang's holistic approach addresses the root causes. Explore the blog for insights into PMS factors, personalized treatment plans, and the effectiveness of acupuncture in regulating hormones and restoring balance.

No matter your life phase, Inspire Natural Wellness is your partner in navigating transitions and optimizing well-being.

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Lessons Learned While Traveling Abroad in Vietnam
Suzanne Tang Suzanne Tang

Lessons Learned While Traveling Abroad in Vietnam

Join Dr. Tang on a journey through the vibrant landscapes of Vietnam, where each step unveils not just the beauty of a foreign land but also invaluable lessons in wellness and family bonds. From the scarcity of toilet paper to the resilience forged through unexpected health challenges, this adventure is a tapestry of gratitude, self-discovery, and the art of finding joy in the little things.

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Peaceful Holidays: Shifting out of Flight, Fight, or Freeze
Suzanne Tang Suzanne Tang

Peaceful Holidays: Shifting out of Flight, Fight, or Freeze

The holiday season often arrives with a flurry of activities, celebrations, and gatherings. It’s a time of joy and connection, yet for many, it can also be a period of heightened stress and inner turmoil. As we reflect on the year behind us—a year marked by immense change, grief, and unpredictability—it's essential to acknowledge the challenges and embrace the lessons they've brought forth.

In my journey, navigating through the ebbs and flows of 2023, I've found solace in a practice of trust and surrender. As someone recovering from the grip of perfectionism and worry, rekindling the connection with my higher Self has been transformative. Returning to this practice, rather than succumbing to the limitations and fears of my smaller self, has guided me through moments of fear and lack, leading me back to a place of peace and clarity

One crucial revelation I've encountered is the response our bodies exhibit in the face of triggers or perceived threats—a physiological reaction known as fight, flight, or freeze. While this mechanism aims to safeguard us, it inadvertently locks us into a cycle of stress, impeding our ability to respond with compassion and empathy. Instead, we react impulsively from a place of hurt or fear.

I often employ a powerful tool, deep inquiry, in both personal and professional settings. It's a method that allows individuals to connect with their inner guidance or spiritual GPS, aiding them in transcending the cycle of fight, flight, or freeze. This practice has been instrumental in fostering moments of calm, reflection, and healing.

As we enter the bustling and often overwhelming month of December, it's crucial to carve out time for stillness. Shifting into a state of rest and calm—the parasympathetic state—paves the way for introspection, nurturing trust and peace within ourselves. It's an opportunity to cultivate a healthier body, mind, and soul, not just for the holiday season but for the journey ahead.

On that note, here are some poignant questions I often pose to individuals entrenched in their personal 'rabbit hole.' These queries, asked during sessions aimed at restoration and healing, aim to guide individuals toward a state of rest, calm, and deeper understanding:

What limiting beliefs and thoughts are holding you back, and how can you release them?

Which relationships or habits no longer serve your growth? Are you ready to let go of them, and if not, why?

When faced with a trigger or obstacle, what is it prompting you to examine within yourself for healing? Take time to sit with these emotions or stories, tracing them back to their origins. What was left unattended or lacked nurturing during that initial experience that now needs care?

If you were held with attention, acceptance, and affection, what new thoughts or perspectives might emerge? How might your life change? Can you extend these qualities of care to yourself?

What aspirations do you hold for your health, relationships, work, spirituality, and leisure?

Remember, stepping beyond our comfort zones can be uncomfortable, but the discomfort is fleeting compared to the stagnation of remaining stuck. We're destined for the greatness the Universe holds for us. Let your higher Self be your guide as we journey forward.

As I continue to venture beyond my own comfort zone, I'm here to support you. Follow my adventures, insights, and wellness tips on Facebook or Instagram [insert links]. For a deeper understanding of my personal journey and the obstacles I've navigated, explore my recent interview with LA Voyage magazine [link here].

Let’s embark on this path of self-discovery and inner peace together, transcending the chaos and finding serenity amidst the festivities.

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Summertime and the Livin’ is Easy with these Naturopathic Tips
Suzanne Tang Suzanne Tang

Summertime and the Livin’ is Easy with these Naturopathic Tips

Get ready for an amazing summer filled with sunshine, adventure, and relaxation! Discover essential tips to protect your skin, choose the right sunscreen, stay hydrated, practice mindful eating, and tap into your zen. Click here to read more and make this summer your best one yet!

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